Education works!
Since 2000, Stichting Kalinga has worked to provided structural help to Philippine street youths through a comprehensive education program for children and their families.
Stichting Kalinga focuses on children and their families living around the Payatas garbage dump
in the outskirts of Manila. While the children are enrolled at the Papaya School where they are given high standard education, parents participate in programs that help them provide the support their children need, such as how to properly care for a wound with only dirty water available or ways to provide the entire family with a healthy and balanced diet with a minimum of income.
By focusing on not just the children but the entire family, Stichting Kalinga’s program allows children to have both the tools and support they need to grow out of their situation and to a brighter future.
A number of inspiring students have gone on to achieve university-level educations and returned to volunteer for younger generations, creating lasting positive change.
As Stichting Kalinga works on a strictly volunteer basis there is little we can do to help the children and their families without the help of others. We hope that many will share our vision of giving the gift of an alternate future, full of education and opportunities, to the Payatas community.
Together we can bring hope to the incredible people who are living one of the most disadvantaged walks of life.
In 2012 KFFN donated EUR 2000,- to Kalinga for supporting their Papaya school.